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106 results found.
Manhattan Murder Mystery is the 22nd film written and directed by Woody Allen, first released in 1993. Woody Allen and Diane Keaton stars as Larry and Carol Lipton, a couple that live in a New York apartment building, across from an elderly couple. One night, one of the elderly neighbours die from a heart attack. […]
Manhattan Murder Mystery is the newest film written and directed by Woody Allen to be released on Blu-Ray. It is the first time the 1993 film has been transferred to ultra high def anywhere in the world. The release comes from Twilight Time, who have also released many other Allen films so far, now covering […]
We haven’t been keeping up with Twilight Time’s US Blu-Ray releases. They announced they had the rights to Allen’s early films. But they have now announced two titles that have never been released on Blu-Ray before – 1992’s Husbands And Wives and 1993’s Manhattan Murder Mystery. Both films came after Allen left Orion Pictures after […]
The latest in our video series looks at Manhattan Murder Mystery. It was a pivotal film for Allen, reuniting him with Diane Keaton. It’s another video highlighting some of the trivia you can find in our book series. Here’s 10 Things About Manhattan Murder Mystery. Including: 1. Diane Keaton is back 2. Mia Farrow, who […]
5 Films (And A TV Show)… A series where we recommend films referenced, inspired, influenced or generally like a certain Woody Allen film, from his first to his latest. All picks are subjective – let the arguments begin! Allen pays homage to Hitchcock and a rich cinematic history with Manhattan Murder Mystery. There’s no shortage […]
After his longest run (yet) of intense dramas, Allen returns to something that is brightly comedic with Mahattan Murder Mystery. It’s a much needed breath of fresh air, coming from all the tabloid dramas that surrounded Husbands And Wives. And in a crowd pleasing move, it reunited Allen with Diane Keaton for the first time […]
After his longest run (yet) of intense dramas, Allen returns to something that is brightly comedic with Manhattan Murder Mystery. It’s a much needed breath of fresh air, coming from all the tabloid dramas that surrounded Husbands And Wives (1992). And in a crowd pleasing move, it reunited Allen with Diane Keaton for the first […]
The prestigious New York Philharmonic have announced their 2016-2017 season. In a world first, they have announced a tribute to Woody Allen’s masterpiece Manhattan. They will be presenting the film while performing its iconic soundtrack live – a world first. ‘Manhattan‘ has one of the most revered soundtracks in cinema. The opening credit sequence, with […]
Manhattan is Woody Allen’s most beautiful film. The stunning black and white photography. The lush and gorgeous score. And, of course, the set. The island of Manhattan, from bookshops to skylines. In the middle of all this, Allen plops some of his greatest characters, one of his greatest moral questions and creates a masterpiece .Woody Allen […]
News Bits! Our round up of Woody Allen bits from around the web. This is the 106th edition. First up – couple of fabulous women who had great roles in Woody Allen films have passed away recently. Lynn Cohen has died at age 86. She appeared in Manhattan Murder Mystery (1993) and like her husband […]
The latest Woody Allen title to hit blu-ray is Husbands And Wives, his controversial 1992 film. The release comes from Twilight Time and marks the first time the film has been released in high definition. Husbands And Wives was released the same year as Allen and Farrow ended their relationship. Many people saw parallels between […]
Wonder Wheel, the upcoming film written and directed by Woody Allen, is out in the US in December. It has now been announced to play The New York Film Festival, scoring the prestigious closing night slot. This year will be the 55th New York Film Festival, and will take place on 28th September. The festival […]
Diane Keaton is one of the greats, and it was confirmed yet again tonight when she was the latest recipient of the AFI Lifetime Achievement Award. The honour comes with a lavish dinner event in Los Angeles, and Woody Allen was a surprise presenter. Keaton’s had so many great films, but her career will always […]
Annie Hall turns 40 this week and we just covered everything we possibly could about the film as it stands. But what about what could have been? We turn our eye at the making, and unmaking, of the film that would become Annie Hall. Fans know that the Annie Hall that we got was very […]
Woody Allen Fan Rankings 2017 Results! This is part 2, and you can find part 1 here. 23. Take The Money And Run (1969, 256 points) Just sneaking into the top half is Allen’s debut. Fans overwhelmingly liked this one (38%), although a lot of you hadn’t seen it compared to the other early films […]
After a rush of books last year around Allen’s 80th birthday, there seems to be a slow down this year. Breaking the glut is a new ebook by Chris Wade, who has written books on subjects as diverse as The Kinks to Sharon Stone. Chris’s new book is called WOODY ALLEN ON SCREEN, and it […]
The latest volume of our book series, the comprehensive guides to Woody Allen’s films is out. Volume 4 covers six films from 1990 to 1994. They are: Alice (1990) Shadows And Fog (1991) Husbands And Wives (1992) Manhattan Murder Mystery (1993) Bullets Over Broadway (1994) Don’t Drink The Water (1994) As usual, we’ve gone through […]
News Bits! Our round up of Woody Allen bits from around the web. This is the 100th edition! Holy crap. We’ve been doing this a long time! Irwin Corey has passed away. The world’s oldest comedian, and commonly known as “the world’s foremost authority” since the late 40s, and a hugely loved stand-up. He dabbled in […]
5 Films (And A TV Show)… A series where we recommend films referenced, inspired, influenced or generally like a certain Woody Allen film, from his first to his latest. All picks are subjective – let the arguments begin! Husbands And Wives saw Allen throw caution to the wind. Not only was it shot and edited […]
5 Films (And A TV Show)… A series where we recommend films referenced, inspired, influenced or generally like a certain Woody Allen film, from his first to his latest. All picks are subjective – let the arguments begin! Allen has said himself that Alice is the humorous flip side to Another Woman. Our titular heroine […]