I am so pleased to announce that the Woody Allen Pages podcast will return later this month, even if it kills me. Yup, we’re back for season 2. I will launch episode 11 sometime after Easter, giving me the holiday to get everything ready for the return.
I’m sorry it has taken so long. I don’t want any sympathy, but I’m not sure last year turned out like anyone thought it would. I had a long lockdown, caught COVID and my brain is finally forgetting the trauma of it all.
A big thanks to all the people who kept with me. Especially the Patreon supporters. I am so grateful that all of you stuck by the podcast. I hope you’re getting some enjoyment from the site. But all the listeners too. A lot of people emailed and affectionately shamed me on social media about the long delay. But it’s better than not being talked about, right?
Season 2 will be another 11 episodes. I will cover ten more Allen films and a special episode that I’m very excited about. The films covered run through Allen’s entire career. There’s an early funny one. There’s a DreamWorks one. There’s a really recent one. There’s my favourite Woody Allen film ever. Long films, short films, black and white, colourful, huge casts and humble casts. It was a lot of fun to make and I hope a lot of fun to listen to.
So much more at our website – Woody Allen Pages.
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