Our irregular video series this week is a newly unearthed interview with Allen around the time of Annie Hall. It seems like he did a lot of interviews around this time, as his fame was exploding. We’re not sure who the interviewer is or the name of the show – anyone?
Even in his height of success, Allen seems to be his usual pessimistic self. What is fascinating is how his world view was already so developed by 1977, and has hardly changed at all in almost 40 years (but that said, neither has Allen’s assessment of TV). He talks about playing clarinet, despising television and not achieving his vision.
We hadn’t seen this interview before, so we thought it was worth writing about! You can watch more of our videos of the week.
1 Comment
This is a remarkable interview with Woody. Its a genuine gem. Woody is on point throughout the interview and I adore the 70’s porno film quality and camera work during the interview. Here, Woody is truly humping, oops, pumping on all cylinders!!! Its a classic. Pass the baby wipes!