News Bits from around the web. Usually monthly but with so much going on, we had to do two this month!
Great film magazine Empire compiled a location map of Woody Allen films. That idea sounds familiar. And they’ve forgotten poor Sleeper. Click on the image above to embiggen!
The Denver Eye wrote a great piece on the architecture of ‘Sleeper‘. ‘Sleeper‘ uses a lot of great, ‘futuristic’ architecture, most famously Charles Deaton’s Sculptered House of Genesee, or commonly called the Sleeper House.
The Denver Post also write about the ‘Sleeper House’ this last month, although what they reported was less than praising. In fact, they reported that the house was declared one of America’s ugliest mansions!
The folks at Bull must have had some fun putting together a trailer for Woody Allen’s version of The Deer Hunter.
Prefer your parodies a bit more modern? Well here’s Woody Allen starring in Twilight, as imagined by the people at Awesome Premise Productions.
Adorable Woody Allen mugs. Get them at Edicion Objetos.
Like something to dunk in that tea? How about biscuits of Woody and his pals Martin Scorsese, Pedro Almodovar and Sofia Coppola? You can get them at the Drake General Store.
Not adorable enough for ya? Why not try knitting your own Woody Allen, with thanks to Delit Mail.
Artist Giulo Mosca has made a series of tribute posters for Woody Allen’s films. Check out the full series at We Are The Colour, including Annie Hall and Play It Again, Sam.
Katie Holmes appeared in Vanity Fair, where she dropped that she would love to work with Woody Allen. This is so surprising that VF used it in their headline!
Katie might need to get in line behind Michael Pena, who told the Culture Blog the same thing (and was deemed a headline as well!)
Letters Of Note recently wrote about a letter that the legendary Groucho Marx sent to Woody Allen in 1967.
Finally, Google recently implemented Bacon Numbers. Just type in ‘Bacon Number’ followed by a name to see how many degrees they are sepearated from Kevin Bacon. Woody Allen’s number? Why it’s 2.