May News Bits 1: Diane Keaton, Barbara Walters, Nicholas Stoller, Mad Magazine and more

News Bits! Our twice monthly round up of Woody Allen bits from around the web. Not much this time, probably due to all the actual film and theatre activity! But here’s what we have.

Diane Keaton

We’ve covered some of Diane Keaton‘s recent interviews promoting her book ‘Let’s Just Say It Wasn’t Pretty‘. The Guardian has published the most extensive and insightful piece about her so far, with plenty of Allen.

On dating Allen and other leading men (including Jack Nicholson and Al Pacino)

I didn’t make the cut. Listen to me: the celebrity couple is something that was short-lived, in my case. I didn’t know how to do it. I have things about me that really do keep me in my place. I don’t know how to manage anything. As a mother, I’m not a very good manager. I don’t have a managed life. I was never meant for the big [celebrity] scene. And I belong where I am, in a place where I’m comfortable. I don’t feel comfortable with people who are very gifted and have a big life. My life – I mean, I have a lot of dreams, obviously, and I try to fulfil as many as possible. But socially, I’m not in that swing. I can’t. I don’t fit.

On supporting Allen

He’s the strongest person I’ve met in my life. He’s made of steel. And talk about a work ethic – he’s one of the people that really did teach me that you have to work hard. But he wanted to. He’s the most disciplined person I’ve known, with the exception of my dad. But his discipline is a constant, whereas when my dad retired, I think he lost sight of what he was doing. This guy? He’s going to be practising that clarinet and touring with his band and making his one movie a year until they push him – he’s never going to stop. Who in the history of movies has done that? He’s 78, he makes a movie a year and he has total control. How is that possible?

There is a lot more over at the Guardian, and it’s well worth checking out.


Another old friend of Allen’s is Barbara Walters. Allen already attended her retirement party, and he spoke to AP about her.

She’s intelligent. She’s got a knack for ingratiating herself, so you warm up to her very quickly. She draws you in and you feel very comfortable with her.


Nicholas Stoller is the director of the new film ‘Neighbours‘, starring Seth Rogen. We personally really loved his film ‘The Five Year Engagement‘. In a new interview with Screen Daily, he talked about the films he loved – and name dropped Allen and a bunch of other great directors.

I love Woody Allen and Mel Brooks, Billy Wilder, David O Russell, Wes Anderson, Alexander Payne. The Zucker Brothers. I run the gamut from filmmakers who make broad comedies to more relationship-driven filmmakers.


Cinema Blend posted a list of 15 Best Romance Movies For Men. Annie Hall made their list, along with many films we love.


Al Feldstein, who helped make ‘Mad Magazine‘ what it is, has passed away, at age 88. In the New York Times obituary, they reflected on the many talent cartoonists that owe a debt to Feldstein, including Mort Drucker, who famously parodied Hannah And Her Sisters.

Here’s a frame from that comic.


A Woody Allen pillow!

A lovely painting

Get this Woody Allen coffee cup on eBay.


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