Site Updates: Facebook Galleries, Birthdays, Tag Cloud

We are doing our best to constantly update what this site does, and try new things. We also try to be transparent about these things, as we basically stole the ideas from others anyway. So here’s what’s new with us.

We’ve started galleries on our Facebook page. At the moment we are concentrating on Behind The Scenes shots and publicity stills from all of Allen’s films. It’s sorted by timeline, and probably best enjoyed as a photostream.

We ill add more as we find them. In the meanwhile, feel free to drop us a line if you find a good one.

We’re also playing around with a Birthday Widget, which you can find along the right, near the bottom. We’ve only added actors and actresses up to Broadway Danny Rose, but if it’s someone’s birthday, it will pop up there. Pretty low on the ranks right now, but we hope to improve it as time goes on.

Finally, we’ve made a page with one giant Tag Cloud. If you want to skip straight to stories on your favourite topic, it’s the best place to do it.

Any and all ideas are welcome! Shoot us a line, leave a comment, and let us know what you think.

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