News Bits – a monthly round-up of Woody Allen trivia from around the web.
We love Criterion Collection DVDs. If you don’t know Criterion, they make the best DVDs – packages, transfers, booklets all made with care. Criterioncast, a podcast and website devoted to the great DVD label, and they’ve chosen to highlight Shadows And Fog for Criterion consideration.
Of course, it’s unlikely it will ever happen. The rights to Allen’s DVD catalogue are a mess, and Allen himself doesn’t really look back. But it would be great. We would love to see double disc deluxe editions of all his films!
(Criterion has the US rights to plenty of Woody Allen’s favourite film, especially the works of Ingmar Bergman and Jean-Luc Godard.)

Emma Stone has been doing interviews promoting her new film – The Amazing Spiderman. In a recent interview with Rolling Stone, she revealed her love of Woody Allen. She even named her dog Alvy, after Woody Allen’s character in Annie Hall.
Speaking of Spiderman, the folks at Dream Movie Cast have brought that New York icon together with another. They’ve imagined Spiderman as a Woody Allen film – and given their casting picks. Who is Diane Keaton playing? And who is our Spiderman? Find out on their blog.

Cinematographer Darius Khondji has worked on both the recent To Rome With Love and Midnight In Paris. He gave a lengthy interview with the NY Times about working with Allen, those European cities and his career to date.

A cool graphic representing Woody Allen’s various glasses from the folks at Interactivity.
Rita Sales Luis‘s has been giving Woody Allen some love. She has been designing a brand new Woody Allen poster a day – for a variety of films. She has even covered some of the less-loved films such as The Curse Of the Jade Scorpion, Melinda And Melinda and You Will Meet A Tall Dark Stranger. It’s refreshing to see a new artistic take on these films.
She has set herself a two week challeng of posting every day, and it all wraps up on July 30. Check them out.

Finally, interview website The Talks always get great answers out of their subjects. And there’s certainly some high profile subjects. Just in film, they have other directors (Alexander Payne, Michel Gondry, Sofia Coppola) and plenty of Woody Allen alumni (Michael Caine, Colin Farrell, Anthony Hopkins and more). Woody Allen is the latest superstar. Find out where Woody Allen goes for a cry.