VIDEO: 10 Things About Everyone Says I Love You – Locations, Trivia, Deleted Scenes and More

Our latest video essay takes a look at Everyone Says I Love You – Allen’s only musical to date, and a big colourful crowdpleaser (if you like musicals, that is). How well do you know it?

Our 10 things video looks at:

  • The version of the The Sunshine Boys that Allen starred in, in the same year
  • The original title which the Ritz would not allow
  • The Marx Brothers reference in the new title
  • The (huge amounts of) deleted scenes
  • How the cast was not told they’d be singing when they signed on
  • The only cast member who was dubbed
  • Allen’s own number, the wonderful I’m Through With Love
  • Choreographer Graciela Danielle
  • The only Allen shot in 3 countries
  • And how Allen had to add lights to the city of lights.

We are 26 videos into this epic series. All of it comes from new research done for our book – The Woody Allen Watcher’s Guide. This film is featured in Book 2, out now on Kindle and iBooks.

Watch all our videos so far below. If you like our videos, please like them, comment and subscribe to our YouTube channel!

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  1. Come on! Defend the man! You are doing this wonderful work for this man and yet, when he is under siege (with many questioning if he can even cast another movie) and – you have nothing to say?!?!? You took this on knowing of these allegations, that most of us who have looked at all the reports know is a lie – now — stand up and be counted. Woody can use all the support he can get! If he can’t get it from “The Woody Allen Pages” ….

    1. Hi Mike. I agree, and I do so on social media. But I also feel like I should not give some of the lies validation by responding.

      I want to put energy into promoting the work and the films. I feel like if we bury the channels with fan art, videos, quote memes etc, it will help drown out the noise. There is only so much arguing with stupid people that one can do.

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