Kristen Stewart ‘Moved’ By Woody Allen 2016 Film Script


Kristen Stewart has overcome her franchise roots to become a regular fixture in the end of year awards scene. This year is no different with Stewart gaining acclaim for her role in Olivier AssayasClouds Of Sils Maria.

Stewart is starring in Allen’s next feature, his 2016 Film, with Steve Carell, Jesse Eisenberg and Blake Lively. The film finished shooting earlier in the year in LA and New York. She spoke to the podcast Awards Chatter (hosted by The Hollywood Reporter) about her career, and also talked about Woody Allen.

In the podcast, Stewart talks about working with Allen, and how much she enjoyed Allen’s schedule and relaxed pace. She auditioned without Allen in the room, and only spoke on the phone with him before the production started.

She also called the set fun and enjoyed sharing it with Eisenberg (it is the third film they’ve started in together). She raved about Allen’s screenwriting, and how much the script moved her, and described the work as gold. She also calls him dude and describes him as a grandpa. And she saw Allen play jazz at the Carlyle Hotel.

We still don’t know much about the 2016 film, but with the cast out doing plenty of films, there’s lots of opportunity to find out more.

Meantime it is great to hear Stewart so enthused about the role. Allen is usually pretty good at getting awards for his (female) cast. Let’s hope Stewart is back on the awards circuit next year.

You can listen to the full podcast or read the article at Hollywood Reporter. The Woody Allen bit starts 39:50. Well worth a listen.

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